Compressor Plugin (Download) Based on the HF Compressor processor of the SSL Fusion hardware, Suitable for single tracks, mixdowns and mastering to remove sibilance, tone down electric guitars, control cymbals in drum...
Stereo Imager Plugin (Download) Based on the Stereo Image Processor of the SSL Fusion hardware, Based on the concept of stereo shuffling, which dates back to the invention of the modern stereo system by EMI engineer...
Transformer plug-in Based on the transformer circuit of the SSL Fusion hardware, Gives incoming signals analogue character, Shine amplifies or suppresses the shine as well as the fine phase shifts in the HF range,...
Saturation Plugin (Download) Based on the Vintage Drive section of the SSL Fusion hardware, Non-linear saturation effects add intensity and cohesion to the mix, Density and drive parameters interact to create...
Equalizer Plugin (Download) Based on the Violet EQ of the SSL Fusion hardware, Carefully selected frequencies, characteristics and level limits result in a musical and intuitive EQ, Four switchable frequencies and +/-...